Welcome to Author Terri D's blog

I want to welcome everyone to my blog. I want to share information with you about my writing and also from time to time will discuss topics that are near and dear to all of our hearts. The books from my debut series Yesterday's Lies, Today's Truth and Tomorrow's Aftermath are currently available. I also have an eBook series Me and Mr. Right Now and Me and Mr. Wrong, Passport Wife, Love, Lies & Fight, Journaling for Self-Care for Young Adults, Journaling for Self-Care for Persons in Recovery and Journaling for Self-Care for Holistic Wellness are also available on Amazon and all other online book retailers.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Dominican Housewife Chronicles - Just Getting Started

Hello friends.  Things for me and my hubby have pretty much been status quo for the past week.  I decided to dedicate this post to all of the graduates.  For the past few weeks my social media timelines have been flooded with graduation pictures.  This picture is of one of the special graduates in my life. She graduated from high school last week.  It's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that this lovely young lady is just that a young lady now.  I remember the day she was born, I was there but unfortunately I wasn't able to be there to watch her walk across the stage.  Thanks to social media I was able to see her walk via Snap chat.  Seeing her brought me to tears. Of course there were many pictures taken of her graduation but I love this picture because of the sign she's holding that says Just getting started.  So many view their last days in high school as the end of something but as you often hear during many commencement addresses it's really the beginning of the rest of your life.  As I watched many of my friends celebrating this joyous occasion for their children or other close family and friends I tried to remember my high school graduation.  It was a long time ago (I'm not admitting to exactly how long but it was long, that's all you need to know LOL).  I can remember some things very clearly as if it happened yesterday but for other things I can't recall.  One thing I know for sure is that what I'm doing right now with my life isn't at all what I thought I would be doing.  Heck what I'm doing right now isn't what I thought I'd be doing five years ago LOL. I'm sure that's true for so many of us and that's not necessarily a bad thing.  I think its important for us to look at each day as a new beginning or an opportunity to star anew.  It's a tough world that we are living in right now and these young people are being faced with challenges that are brand new and pretty scary.  On the flip side I also see opportunity for this generation and I pray that as many of them as possible seize the opportunity and make their mark in a positive way on this world.  I don't know maybe I shouldn't say that, it could make someone feel as if I am putting the weight of the world on their shoulders.  That definitely isn't my intent. 

Let me explain further.  Every since I retired I've had this feeling that I'm supposed to be doing something to help people.  I know I'm supposed to be helping people but there's like billions of people right?  So what people am I supposed to be  helping?  Am I supposed to be helping people that are asking me for help?  Am I supposed to be helping those who aren't asking but clearly need help?  I'm not sure and a few weeks ago an idea came to me about how I could target a specific population of people to help.  I got my inspiration for moving forward from something I saw on social media.  Not the actual concept itself but the inspiration to go for it.  I saw information about a non profit that is cleaning the ocean.  When you first think about it, cleaning the ocean?  The ocean is huge like how do you clean the ocean?  That's kinda how I've been feeling all this time about how do I help people?  There are so many people in so many places that need help.  I'm just one person.  How do I do that?  The answer is you start with what's in front of you or what's around you.  Do what you can to make a difference there and take it from there.  You don't stand at the bottom on the steps and say ugh that's too many steps and turn and walk away you start climbing and if you need to rest you rest but you keep climbing.  Anyway I got my inspiration from that company I saw who is cleaning the ocean because like I said I've been sitting here in this space for several months.  Thinking to myself and saying out loud that I'm supposed to be helping people but I have no idea where to start.  Seeing what that other company is doing let me know that I can't look at things as it's too much or it's too big of a task for me because everything starts somewhere.  You know everything started with one person who had an idea, a thought or a passion for something and then others joined in and they created this big force that allowed them to do this great thing and make a difference.   Back to the 2018 graduates, my prayer and hope is that they all see this as a new beginning, the next chapter in their lives.  I hope that they are all inspired to go out there and do what they are called to do, whatever that may be.  Change starts with the man or woman in the mirror. 

I'm going to be back in the United States for a few weeks.  I'm on baby watch now.  I'm expecting a new grand baby in a few weeks and my sister is also due anytime now.  Stay tuned for cute baby pictures and more stories from this Dominican Housewife.