Welcome to Author Terri D's blog

I want to welcome everyone to my blog. I want to share information with you about my writing and also from time to time will discuss topics that are near and dear to all of our hearts. The books from my debut series Yesterday's Lies, Today's Truth and Tomorrow's Aftermath are currently available. I also have an eBook series Me and Mr. Right Now and Me and Mr. Wrong, Passport Wife, Love, Lies & Fight, Journaling for Self-Care for Young Adults, Journaling for Self-Care for Persons in Recovery and Journaling for Self-Care for Holistic Wellness are also available on Amazon and all other online book retailers.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


 After being apart for 484 days I was finally able to go visit my husband last week.  This photo is my favorite one from that visit.

I was very excited, anxious and nervous about the trip. I felt worried that so much time had passed that we've both become different people and maybe we wouldn't like each other anymore. When speaking with a friend of mine I told her that it felt like I was going to meet the guy I've been video chatting with for the past 16 months for the first time.  

I'm happy to report that all was well.  It was as if time had stood still for us.  I mean yes we're both a little different, heck we all are due to the pandemic but the things that drew us together before were all still there.  One thing I have learned through all of this is that life is too short and that time is precious.  I made a pact with myself to be present in the moment while I was with my husband.  Not to worry about anything except what was happening right then.  It's really not an easy thing to do but I gave it my best shot.

One afternoon the following words came to me and I jotted them down:

Time is something we lose without realizing it until it's too late.

We think we have time until suddenly we're out of time.

When time is gone you can't get it back.

Making up for lost time is like a mirage, it isn't real.

You're using up new time thinking it's replacing time you've already lost.

We waste a lot of time worrying, arguing or fighting about things in the past (time that's already gone)

instead of being present in the moment (the now time that will quickly become a past time).

Sometimes  you decide you've spent enough time and there's no more time to give.

Maybe one day you'll wish you had given it just a little more time.

Or you'll waste time thinking about the missed time.

How many times have you wished for just one more time?

Or maybe you've said "I ain't got time" or

Told someone "This is the last time..."

Maybe it's time to use time more consciously?

Be present in this moment in time as it's literally the only time you KNOW you have right now.

My time with my husband is such precious time because we never know when we will get more time. We remain prayerful that his visa paperwork will be processed soon now that the embassy is open again. For those of you who have been praying for us throughout this very long process we thank you for your prayers and encouraging words.

I encourage you to take some time and think about how you are spending your time.