Welcome to Author Terri D's blog

I want to welcome everyone to my blog. I want to share information with you about my writing and also from time to time will discuss topics that are near and dear to all of our hearts. The books from my debut series Yesterday's Lies, Today's Truth and Tomorrow's Aftermath are currently available. I also have an eBook series Me and Mr. Right Now and Me and Mr. Wrong, Passport Wife, Love, Lies & Fight, Journaling for Self-Care for Young Adults, Journaling for Self-Care for Persons in Recovery and Journaling for Self-Care for Holistic Wellness are also available on Amazon and all other online book retailers.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dominican Housewife Chronicles - Fresh start

Hello everyone.  It's been a few weeks so I thought it was time for an update.  The short version is we still do not have his visa. He's there and I'm here back in Pennsylvania.  You may recall that I retired from my career at a large health insurance company in April 2017 after 27 years of service.  When I walked out of the office on my last day I had no idea where I would end up but I felt confident that I could make the best use of my severance time (18 months).  Well here I am almost two years later and I'm once again retiring.  I've spent the past year or so being a Dominican Housewife and I'm hanging up my cleaning gloves (I don't wear an apron) and I'm headed back into the workforce tomorrow.  I have bittersweet emotions about this turn of events.  The sweet is that it's a new adventure and apparently according to those close to me I like adventure.  The bitter is multi faceted. 1) I miss my husband because he is still in the Dominican Republic dealing with all of the visa shenanigans.  After we submitted the requested additional documents in January we were asked to provide even more documentation.  It's very unsettling not knowing when I will see my husband again.  2) This isn't where I thought I'd end up.  3) I'm not giving up on my goals but I feel that I must be a responsible adult now and return to work.  No more playing in the sun and sand for me for a little while, but I will find my way back to it I promise you.

I will continue to write and blog of course.  I will also continue to grow my non profit, A Blessing For You. We are always in need of supplies so please spread the word and visit our website for more information or to make a donation www.ablessingforyou.org

This is a short update.  Please keep us in prayer and we remain hopeful that this visa situation will be resolved soon and he can join me here. 

Until next time be blessed.
Terri D

Friday, February 1, 2019

Dominican Housewife Chronicles - 2019 is here so now what?

Greetings my friends.  This is my first post of the new year.  This picture is the first picture that we took in the new year together when I returned to the Dominican Republic.

I purposely took off in January to reflect on all of my prior posts.  I didn't make any new year resolutions or start any fad diets (although I did join a new fitness club).  I started the year off with great expectations that January would be my month to build my plan and I would execute my plan throughout the year.  Well guess what y'all?  It's the first of February and well lets say there isn't really a plan yet.

I was in Pennsylvania for five weeks.  The longest period of time that I've ever spent away from my husband since we were married.  Did you know that everything you did in the prior year to get things organized and situated in your house could be completely undone in just 5 short weeks?  Yes my friends I am here to tell you that it's true.  Leave your husband alone for that period of time and you will be amazed at just how creative he can be.  I'm pretty sure he was planning on becoming a scientist based on what I found in the refrigerator.  It looked like a 6th grade science experiment gone horribly wrong LOL. 

I did get a lot accomplished during my time in Pennsylvania and it felt good but as for formulating a plan.  Well that part I'm still struggling with because I still feel that I'm in limbo.  We still do not have a visa for my husband yet and that my friends is the key to what the future holds for me and my husband.  Its hard to come up with a solid plan when you have no clue which country you are going to be in. I'm sure you can understand my dilemma.

So the update on the visa saga is that he finally obtained all of the additional documents and submitted them for review on January 24th.  Now we wait again for them to review everything and determine next steps.  We could be required to submit more documents, attend another interview or they can issue him a visa.  We have no clue when we will be notified of the outcome so again we wait.  You know I will keep you all posted on that.

My time here in the Dominican Republic is going to be short as I still have many obligations to attend to back in Pennsylvania.  A few things that are a part of my incomplete plan are continuing to write of course and working to secure more sponsors and donations for my non profit organization.  If you would like to learn more about my non profit or possibly make a donation please visit our website

Also to obtain a signed copy of my latest book titled Passport Wife or any of my other titles please visit my author website

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanks again for stopping by and stayed tuned for more from your favorite Dominican Housewife.