Welcome to Author Terri D's blog

I want to welcome everyone to my blog. I want to share information with you about my writing and also from time to time will discuss topics that are near and dear to all of our hearts. The books from my debut series Yesterday's Lies, Today's Truth and Tomorrow's Aftermath are currently available. I also have an eBook series Me and Mr. Right Now and Me and Mr. Wrong, Passport Wife, Love, Lies & Fight, Journaling for Self-Care for Young Adults, Journaling for Self-Care for Persons in Recovery and Journaling for Self-Care for Holistic Wellness are also available on Amazon and all other online book retailers.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Dominican Housewife Chronicles - Flight 2019 ready for take off

Hello Friends,

My final post in 2018 I would like to share these thoughts with you.  As 2018 comes to a close I think about the fact that I'm not exactly where I wanted to be right now but I'm also not where I was this time last year.  I'm not talking about my physical location I'm talking about my growth.  I look back over all the things that have happened in 2018 and there were losses, I lost friends and close friends lost loved ones and friends but there were also many gains, which I like to refer to as blessings.  Many family members and close friends welcomed new babies and grand babies into their lives.  Where there is loss there are also gains in life.  I think about how I spent 260 of 365 days this year in the Dominican Republic with my husband.  Although I've been very sad about not being able to spend Christmas and New Years with him this year I was so blessed to be able to spend the majority of the year with him.  This was our last picture together in 2018 the day before I left to come back for the holidays. 

As I said before I'm not exactly where I wanted to be but I am headed in the right direction.  I wish you all a Happy New Year and I do wish that you were all able to focus on the blessings and get your goals lined up for 2019 and start working on them as soon as you can.  I'm going to be spending more time with my mom working on our combined business goals. Here is a picture of mom and I from Christmas.

This was posted on Facebook by a friend of mine.  I borrowed it (with permission) and it received very good feedback so I thought I share it here with you as well.

Hello, welcome to Flight #2019. We are prepared to take off into the New Year. Please make sure your Attitude and Blessings are secured and locked in an upright position. All self-destructive devices should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt and discouragement should be put away. Should we lose Altitude under pressure, during the flight, reach up and pull down a Prayer. Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith. Once your Faith is activated you can assist other passengers. There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight. The Captain (GOD) has cleared us for takeoff. Destination GREATNESS. Repost and book your flight!!!❤️❤️ Yessssss I have already purchased my ticket! !!!!!!!! I'M BUCKLED IN AND READY FOR TAKEOFF!!!!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Dominican Housewife Chronicles - Remember to focus on the blessings

Hello All:

Well I'm headed back to PA for the holidays without my hubby.  Yes I'm a little sad about it but I'm remaining prayerful and positive, that he will join me shortly after the first of the year.  Last year we were able to spend the holidays together and it was nice.  I have always wanted to be on the beach for Christmas and last year I got my wish.  It was nice because I love the beach but honestly I missed being home with my children and grand babies. This year I have a new grand baby so I must be home this year to witness his reaction to his first Christmas (Picture enclosed).  He's only 6 months old now so it probably won't be much of a reaction LOL.  So yes I am flying back to the cold for the holidays when so many are seeking warm I'm purposely headed towards the cold. 

Although I won't get to be with my husband for the holidays this year I remain thankful for the fact that he's in my life period.  When I think of all the past holidays that I spent alone, without a mate or partner it's nice to know that even though he's not by my side, he's still in my life.  I recently posted this message on Facebook and I thought it deserved a re post here.

Life presents us with so many challenges on a daily basis.  It's easy to get caught up with those and focus on the one thing that went wrong.  While doing so we forget to be thankful for all of the other things that went right.

Things did not go as planned for me this month but there were so many unexpected blessings I received this year, heck in my life so I'm not going to pout about this one thing.  My husband is wonderful and he knows when I'm sad and he does everything he can to bring a smile back to my face.  Yesterday we spent the day together at the beach.  It was a wonderful day.  

So anyway my friends I wish you all Happy Holidays and if you haven't purchased or downloaded your copy of my book Passport Wife yet.  What are you waiting for?  Get yours today.  Here's the link. Passport Wife

If you would like a signed copy please visit my website here www.authorterrid.com and click on the contact me tab and send  your request.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Dominican Housewife Chronicles - To be continued

Hello my friends.  First I want to say Thank You to you all who sent messages of encouragement and for all of those who silently prayed for us.  This picture is from the night before our interview.  While we were in the capital we went to a baseball game.  My husbands team won and we had a great time. It was a great distraction for me because I was very nervous.

Unfortunately we still do not have a Visa for my husband.  We were not denied but there are additional documents required before they will issue a Visa for him.   I have to be honest I was devastated.  I did everything I thought possible to make sure we were prepared and had everything in order.  At was very disheartening to sit there at the embassy for over an hour and watch so many other couples leave smiling, kissing and holding hands.  Then when it was our turn for us not to have the positive outcome we desired.  I sank into a very deep dark place for a few days.  I mean I was in a very bad state.  I didn't leave the house for three days after we got back from the embassy.  Again I must say that my inner circle or my camp as I like to refer to them now is strong.  My family and friends would not allow me to stay in that  place.  The text messages,phone calls, Facebook posts etc that I received helped to bring me out of the low place.  I was reminded to think about all of my blessings and to not give up this fight because it's been a long journey and we are at the finish line. 

As I was slowly coming out of the funk I was in I realized that I had lost sight of what was truly important.  For the past couple of months I have been so focused on getting the interview date and then once we got the date I was so focused on making sure everything was prepared.  I missed enjoying my time here on this beautiful island with my husband.  I was reminded that when I took my marriage vows I didn't promise to love him only if he came to the United States.  I agreed to (in Spanish of course) some version of for better or worse.  So at the first sign of worse I was ready to crawl up in a ball and just give up.  Well my friends once I realized these things about myself and my attitude I was able to pull myself together and out of the deep hole I was in. Again it really helped to have so many people calling and checking on me.

While scrolling through Facebook yesterday I found this meme and it said everything I needed it to say.
I wasn't able to save the picture but it said: 

Sometimes the best thing that you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess.  Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

So my friends I may not return with my husband for Christmas as I hoped this year but all will be well and eventually he will join me in the United States.  Until then please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Dominican Housewife Chronicles - Prayer Warriors report for duty

Hello everyone - I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your families.  I was in PA for the holiday and it was nice to be with my family eating good food and spending time with my grand babies.  We were missing a few, my son Steven is now in California and my sister and her crew went to visit her husband's family in Alabama this year.  So we had a smaller crowd but we still had a great time even though my Redskins lost.

In my last post I was feeling pretty defeated, hence the title in the valley.  A few days after that post we received notice about his interview date.  I didn't post anything about it prior to now  because honestly we've been so busy trying to get everything done in preparation for it and it's been a pretty nerve wracking few weeks..  So this post is titled Prayer Warriors report for duty because his visa interview is tomorrow, Monday December 3rd at 10:00 am.  This is the moment we've been waiting for.  To say that we are both excited and nervous would be putting it very mildly.  Nothing we've encountered up until we received our interview date three weeks ago compares to the challenges we've faced since getting our date.  When the email came through with our interview date we were both elated.  That feeling was quickly replaced with panic, confusion, anger and frustration just to name a few.  I truly believe that this process is built to test your resolve as a couple.  We had so many little hurdles thrown at us and encountered a few speed bumps along the way.  Although it was rough at times to get to this point I am happy to report that we are all ready.  We have about 24 hours to go and I'm optimistic that we're prepared and we will have a favorable outcome tomorrow.  We do need your help though.  Please all of my prayer warriors report for duty.  I need you all to raise your hands up high to the heavens and in your own way ask God to bless us and this interview tomorrow.  Send lots of prayers up so that the blessings will rain down on us tomorrow.

Just so you all know who you're praying for I've included a few pictures of our journey together as a couple.  From our very first picture together to the last one we took a short time ago.

This is the first picture that we took together back in February 2017.

One of our favorite pictures from our wedding day October 21st, 2017

This is the last picture that we took together November 3rd, 2018

Thanks everyone in advance for your positive thoughts and prayers.  I will certainly keep you all posted on the outcome.