Welcome to Author Terri D's blog

I want to welcome everyone to my blog. I want to share information with you about my writing and also from time to time will discuss topics that are near and dear to all of our hearts. The books from my debut series Yesterday's Lies, Today's Truth and Tomorrow's Aftermath are currently available. I also have an eBook series Me and Mr. Right Now and Me and Mr. Wrong, Passport Wife, Love, Lies & Fight, Journaling for Self-Care for Young Adults, Journaling for Self-Care for Persons in Recovery and Journaling for Self-Care for Holistic Wellness are also available on Amazon and all other online book retailers.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

2020 Vision


Hello friends.  Where did the summer go?  I cannot believe that we're headed into fall already.  Time is passing us by.  Things aren't back to normal and who knows if they ever will be.  I think for the most part everyone is adjusting to this new normal.  If I'm being honest it has been difficult for me at times, all of this alone time.  I now see why solitary confinement is such a harsh punishment.  I sometimes get tired of being alone but then as soon as someone comes to visit me I can't wait for them to leave lol.  I have become very accustomed to my peace and quiet. 

Although I have been here in the house alone for the most part I have been very busy and so have many of you.  Every day I am surprised at how many of my connections on social media are releasing books, like first time authors releasing books.  People are starting businesses or venturing out and trying new things within an existing business.  It is AWESOME and I love it.  That is confirmation that I am surrounded by the right people. I want to congratulate everyone who is doing all they can to continue to move forward in their lives in spite of this pandemic and everything else we have been experiencing.

As for me I have just pressed the publish button on my fourth book since the pandemic started.  Whew chile and I am tired but I'm just getting started.  I've published two journal books and one was a collaboration with my Mom.  My publishing company, TDUB Publishing worked with the poets of The Nathaniel Gadsden's Writers Wordshop to put together an anthology which will be available within the next few days. Last but not least I collaborated with a brand new author, Julie Bellatrix on our upcoming fiction release titled Love, Lies & Fight. 

Release date is October 27th but pre-orders will begin October 1st. Stay tuned for  more information on how to order or contact me directly.

Now let's get to the purpose of this post.  For the past several months everyone has been complaining about or making jokes about how horrible this year has been.  I must admit things haven't gone exactly the way I had hoped.  Okay yes things have been pretty messed up.  With that said it occurred to me that for me my eyes have really been opened over the past six months to so many things.  Hence the reason I titled this post 2020 vision.  I wear glasses so I do not have natural 20/20 vision. Of course 20/20 vision is associated with perfect sight. Without my glasses I am blind as a bat. I believe that many of us have had some enlightening or eye opening experiences this year.  Some have been good and others not so good. What I believe is that we all need to take a few moments, sit back and examine ourselves.  Get in touch with your 2020 vision and what the past few months have shown you about your life, your priorities, your relationships, family etc. This isn't an exercise to make you feel sad or unhappy it is purely an exercise in awareness.  

During times like we are currently living in it is very important to practice self-care. Emotional wellness and self-care involves the awareness, understanding and acceptance of our feelings. In order to handle a lot of what is happening around us it is important to be aware, understand how we are being affected by it and accepting those feelings. Also it is very important to understand that your feelings are yours. They do not have to match anyone else's around you. Just like their feelings do not have to match yours. (Refer to my previous post about intellectual humility). It is very simple guys, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  It doesn't make them or you right or wrong, just a difference of opinion, end of story. 

Okay enough about that.  No real update on my husband's visa saga except we did submit some additional paperwork last month so we are once again in the waiting for feedback cycle of this process. We are both missing each other like crazy but we are making this work as best we can.  We learned how to live together fairly well so now we are learning how to keep things fresh and interesting while living apart. One thing that I have learned through everything we've been through this year is that this love is nothing like anything I've experience in my lifetime.  Okay don't roll your eyes and say awe how sweet lol. It's not all roses and I love yous either.  It is real work.  Being separated from my husband like this has taught me to tap into other parts of me to muster of the strength and courage to hang in there with him. As I mentioned above I am usually alone these days but I hardly ever feel lonely. As if he's literally connected to my brain usually when I am about to slip into one of my funks he will text or call me. We're enhancing our communication skills which will definitely come in handy once we are back together again. We video chat, text and share lots of pictures. We are watching the calendar pages flip past and wondering when we will see each other in person again.  It is probably one of the hardest things I have ever dealt with in my life but with each new day comes new possibilities. If you are a praying person just keep us in prayer.

That's all for today.  I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I will share my website information below if you want to keep up with the happenings of Terri D or TDUB Publishing in the future.